Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Map update

I've decided that I'm going to use two different smoke columns to differentiate between "victory" and "defeat". The white column (which I have yet to make) will indicate incidents that are generally favorable to the government/ISAF, such as successful military operations, the Pashtun's campaign against the Uzbek militants, etc. The existing black column will show incidents favorable to the Taliban/al-Qaeda, such as successful ambushes, assassinations, civilians killed by US fire, etc. I'll also probably make a grey column for ambiguous cases.

The tricky thing here is providing enough information to be useful, but not so much that people are overwhelmed. My goal is not to simply amass as much information on the War on Terror as possible, but to enable regular people to keep abreast of it without having to slog through endless repetitive articles first.

The Forgotten War. We slog. You decide.

Edit: I'm also going to try to flesh out the other areas of this site. I'm planing on doing an editorial on the Zawahri plan and/or al-Qaeda's nuanced and ephemeral hierarchy. I'm also going to add a page containing various important documents, such as the intercepted Zawahri-Zarqawi letter.

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